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1901 Census records for Hope B-1
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Surname Index for this enumeration district
Given Name Index for this enumeration district

PageLines Corr.
Indexing Transcriber Proof-reader
1 51 32 view transcribe proof stephanie eddy Peggy Boyd
2 50 0 view transcribe proof Peggy Boyd Margaret Cox
3 50 0 view transcribe proof Peggy Boyd Margaret Cox
4 50 2 view transcribe proof Peggy Boyd Kevin Hanit
5 50 0 view transcribe proof Peggy Boyd Margaret Cox
6 50 3 view transcribe proof Peggy Boyd Ghislaine Joiner
7 50 2 view transcribe proof Peggy Boyd Ghislaine Joiner
8 50 4 view transcribe proof Peggy Boyd Ghislaine Joiner
9 50 3 view transcribe proof Peggy Boyd Ghislaine Joiner
10 50 2 view transcribe proof Peggy Boyd Ghislaine Joiner
11 50 5 view transcribe proof Peggy Boyd Ghislaine Joiner
12 50 4 view transcribe proof Peggy Boyd Ghislaine Joiner
13 50 5 view transcribe proof Peggy Boyd Kevin Hanit

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