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Hants, Nova Scotia
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1 700 Newport poll district Avondale, Poplar Grove, Belmont
2 550 Newport poll district
3 950 Falmouth poll district Mount Denson
4 1200 Douglas poll district East and West Gore, North Kennetcook, 5 Mile River, Stanley, Neal Road, Riverside, Clarkville
5 700 Hantsport
6 650 Kempt poll district
7 800 Kempt poll district
8 1500 Douglas poll district Maitland, Selma, Five Mile River, South Maitland
9 450 Rawdon poll district Nine Mile River, Bellenan, Renfrew
10 650 Douglas poll district Enfield Village, Elmsdale Village, Rawdon
11 900 Douglas poll district Noel Road, Burncoat, Minasville, Moose Brook, Tennicape
12 450 Douglas poll district
13 550 Rawdon poll district Mount Uniacke, South Uniacke, East Uniacke, Hillsvale, South Rawdon
14 600 Rawdon poll district
15 1550 Newport poll district Ste. Croix, Wentworth, Sweetscorner, Ellershouse, Three Mile Plains, Newport Station, Hartsville
16 700 Newport poll district
17 500 Douglas poll district Shubenacadie, Hardwoodland, Milford, Barny Brook
18 1000 Douglas poll district Shubenacadie, Maitland Road, East Indian Road, North Salem
19 950 Newport poll district
20 500 Walton poll district East Walton, Walton, Tenny Cape
21 850 Falmouth poll district Windsor Forks, Waterville
22 1800 Windsor
23 1700 Windsor Town Windsor Forks, Martock, Mapleton
24 100 Douglas and Falmouth Indian Reserve