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Nipissing, Ontario
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1 1150 Airy Sabine Airy Township and Sabine Township, Bellwood Siding, Whitney Village, Nipissing Village, Jerusalem Village
2 300 Anglin Biggar Township, Boyd Township, Deacon Township, Osler Township, Freswick Township, Lister Township
3 400 Appleby Hawley Appleby Township and Hawley Township
4 700 Armstrong Bryce, Beauchamp Township
5 100 Aurora Calvert, Edwards, Mortimer, Richard, Sherring, Stimson, Teefy, Wesley, Sweetman Township
6 100 Antoine Eddy, Poitras Township
7 700 Field Badgerow, Grant Township
8 150 Ballantyne Boulter, Paxton Township
9 1150 Blazard Hammer Township, Blazard Valley Village
10 600 Bonfield
11 200 Brethour
12 501 Broder Dill, Laura, Secord, Servos, Tilton and number 60 Township
13 1900 Bucke
14 100 Butt Bishop, McLaughlin, Canisbay, Finlayson, Devine, Peck Township
16 50 Fraleck Grigg, Cotton, McLeod, Halntschel Township, To Temagamie Forest Reserve
17 100 Bertram Cherriman, Falconer, Haddo, Scollard Township
18 50 Bowyer Sproule Bowyer Township and Sproule Township
19 350 Barnett Beatty, Cook, Bowman, Currie, McCann, McCool Township, Munro, Michaud, Playfair, Guibord, Hislop Township
20 100 Blackstock Egan, Carman, Langmuir, Thurstan, Thomas, Timmins Township
21 50 Blount Kennedy, St. John, Fox, Brower, Hanna and Pyne Townships
22 350 Bond Cody, Evelyn, Dundonald, German, McCart Township, Newmarket, Little, Macklem, Stock, Matheson, Mann Township
23 350 Blain Gross, Sharpe, Marquis, Robillard, Savard Township
24 500 Benoit Burt, Eby, Otto, Maisonville Township
25 250 Berry Bonis, Bowyer, Coulson, Milligan, Moody, Knox, Galna, Kerrs, Warden Township
26 850 Caldwell
27 650 Caldwell Verner Village
28 550 Calvin
29 351 Cameron
30 650 Casey Harris Casey Township and Harris Township
31 500 Casimir Jennings, Hendrie Township and St. Charles Village, part
32 800 Chisholm
33 300 Chisholm
34 200 Clara Maria Clara Township and Maria Township, Bissett Village, Deux Rivieres Villages
35 100 Catharine Pacaud Catharine Township and Pacaud Township
36 451 Chamberlain Marter Township
37 550 Clergue Taylor, Walker, Tiefy, Calvert, Aurora Township
38 700 Cosby Mason, Allen, Bigwood, Cox, Delamere, Hoskin, Waldie Townships
39 1550 Coleman
40 750 Charlton Dack Charlton Township and Dack Township
41 1600 Cobalt South Ward
42 100 Cleland Falconbridge, Davis, Kelly, Loughrin Township, McCarthy, Scadding, Street, McLennan Township
43 1950 Glackmeyer Lamarche Township, Cochrane Town
44 1350 Cobalt Centre Ward
45 2802 Cobalt North Ward
46 1600 Coleman
47 453 Dryden Awry, Hagar Township
48 1200 Donnet Ratter Township, St. Charles Village, Warren Village
49 800 Dymond
50 450 Dana Pardo, Hobbs, McCallum, Thistle, McWilliams, Crerar, Bastedo, Gibbons
51 150 Elk Lake Turtle Lake Elk Lake Township, Turtle lake Township
52 350 Evanturel
53 600 Ferris Corbeil Village, Nipissing Junction Village
54 650 Ferris
56 400 French Mulock, Merrick, Blyth Township, Charlton, Lockhart, Notman and Stewart Township
57 100 Firstbrooke Barr Firstbrooke Township, Barr Township
58 1100 Garson Neelon Garson Township, Neelon Township
59 200 Gladman Garrow, Hamell, Osborne, Kenny, Gooderham Township
60 200 Gowganda Haultain, Rankine, Van Hise, Knight, Raymond, Morel, Tyrell and Chown Townships
61 550 Gowganda Lawson, Nichol, Leonard, North Williams, Ray, Leith, Corley, Donovan, Charters Township also Village of Gowganda
62 450 Harley Uno Park Village
63 351 Head Edgar, Baron, Bronson, Guthrie, Master, Strathon Township
64 350 Hilliard
65 350 Hudson Lundy Hudson Township, Lundy Township
66 400 Hugel
67 150 Hunter McCraney Hunter Township, McCraney Township
68 750 Hutton Aylmer, Creelman, Parkin, McKelcan Township
69 600 Kerns Henwood Kerns Township, Henwood Township, Thornloe Village, Milberta Village
70 400 Kirkpatrick
71 50 Lauder Pentland, Wilkes Township
72 550 Lorrain
73 550 Lyell Murchison, Dickens, Dickson, Preston, Clancey Township
74 100 Larder Lake
75 50 Lebel Gauthier, McVillie, McGarry Township and North to Northern Boundary of Larder Lake Mining District
76 500 Macpherson Loudon Macpherson Township, Loudon Township
77 500 Martland
78 250 Mattawan Obrig Mattawan Township, Obrig Township
79 350 McKim
80 100 Milner Gowganda Mining District
81 50 Clancy Fitzgerald, Niven, White Township
82 700 Capreol Norman Capreol Township, Norman Township, Rathburn, Wisner
83 650 Papineau
84 200 Ingram Pense Ingram Township, Pense Township, Tomstown Village
85 50 Phelps
86 1250 Springer
87 300 Temagami Forest Reserve
88 800 Widdifield
89 500 Widdifield
90 250 Unsurveyed territory lying between Transcontinental Railway and Speights base line
91 501 Indian Reserves French River, Temagami, Nipissing, Dokes
92 1100 Bonfield
93 900 Cache Bay
94 1400 Copper Cliff
95 1700 Copper Cliff
96 700 Englehart
97 150 Elk Lake Excepting James Township
98 2100 Haileybury
99 1850 Haileybury
100 450 Latchford
101 450 Matheson Carr Matheson Township, Carr Township
102 650 Mattawa Timmins Ward
103 950 Mattawa Rosemount Ward, Taggart Ward
104 1050 New Liskeard
105 1100 New Liskeard
106 1900 North Bay
107 2300 North Bay
108 1850 North Bay
109 1755 North Bay Completion of North Bay Town
110 650 James Smyth Town, Elk Lake
111 950 Sturgeon Falls
112 1350 Sturgeon Falls
113 1350 Sudbury Ryan Ward
114 1500 Sudbury Fournier Ward
115 1400 Sudbury McCormarck Ward - Completion of Sudbury Town
116 300 Bear Creek Bear Island, Fort Matatchewan
117 500 Moose Fort