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District Summary
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Enumeration District Number | Lines | Subdistrict | Description |
1 | Airy | Sabine Airy Township and Sabine Township, Bellwood Siding, Whitney Village, Nipissing Village, Jerusalem Village | |
2 | Anglin | Biggar Township, Boyd Township, Deacon Township, Osler Township, Freswick Township, Lister Township | |
3 | Appleby | Hawley Appleby Township and Hawley Township | |
4 | Armstrong | Bryce, Beauchamp Township | |
5 | Aurora | Calvert, Edwards, Mortimer, Richard, Sherring, Stimson, Teefy, Wesley, Sweetman Township | |
6 | Antoine | Eddy, Poitras Township | |
7 | Field | Badgerow, Grant Township | |
8 | Ballantyne | Boulter, Paxton Township | |
9 | Blazard | Hammer Township, Blazard Valley Village | |
10 | Bonfield | ||
11 | Brethour | ||
12 | 501 | Broder | Dill, Laura, Secord, Servos, Tilton and number 60 Township |
13 | Bucke | ||
14 | Butt | Bishop, McLaughlin, Canisbay, Finlayson, Devine, Peck Township | |
16 | Fraleck | Grigg, Cotton, McLeod, Halntschel Township, To Temagamie Forest Reserve | |
17 | Bertram | Cherriman, Falconer, Haddo, Scollard Township | |
18 | Bowyer | Sproule Bowyer Township and Sproule Township | |
19 | Barnett | Beatty, Cook, Bowman, Currie, McCann, McCool Township, Munro, Michaud, Playfair, Guibord, Hislop Township | |
20 | Blackstock | Egan, Carman, Langmuir, Thurstan, Thomas, Timmins Township | |
21 | Blount | Kennedy, St. John, Fox, Brower, Hanna and Pyne Townships | |
22 | Bond | Cody, Evelyn, Dundonald, German, McCart Township, Newmarket, Little, Macklem, Stock, Matheson, Mann Township | |
23 | Blain | Gross, Sharpe, Marquis, Robillard, Savard Township | |
24 | Benoit | Burt, Eby, Otto, Maisonville Township | |
25 | Berry | Bonis, Bowyer, Coulson, Milligan, Moody, Knox, Galna, Kerrs, Warden Township | |
26 | Caldwell | ||
27 | Caldwell | Verner Village | |
28 | Calvin | ||
29 | 351 | Cameron | |
30 | Casey | Harris Casey Township and Harris Township | |
31 | Casimir | Jennings, Hendrie Township and St. Charles Village, part | |
32 | Chisholm | ||
33 | Chisholm | ||
34 | Clara | Maria Clara Township and Maria Township, Bissett Village, Deux Rivieres Villages | |
35 | Catharine | Pacaud Catharine Township and Pacaud Township | |
36 | 451 | Chamberlain | Marter Township |
37 | Clergue | Taylor, Walker, Tiefy, Calvert, Aurora Township | |
38 | Cosby | Mason, Allen, Bigwood, Cox, Delamere, Hoskin, Waldie Townships | |
39 | Coleman | ||
40 | Charlton | Dack Charlton Township and Dack Township | |
41 | Cobalt | South Ward | |
42 | Cleland | Falconbridge, Davis, Kelly, Loughrin Township, McCarthy, Scadding, Street, McLennan Township | |
43 | Glackmeyer | Lamarche Township, Cochrane Town | |
44 | Cobalt | Centre Ward | |
45 | 2802 | Cobalt | North Ward |
46 | Coleman | ||
47 | 453 | Dryden | Awry, Hagar Township |
48 | Donnet | Ratter Township, St. Charles Village, Warren Village | |
49 | Dymond | ||
50 | Dana | Pardo, Hobbs, McCallum, Thistle, McWilliams, Crerar, Bastedo, Gibbons | |
51 | Elk Lake | Turtle Lake Elk Lake Township, Turtle lake Township | |
52 | Evanturel | ||
53 | Ferris | Corbeil Village, Nipissing Junction Village | |
54 | Ferris | ||
56 | French | Mulock, Merrick, Blyth Township, Charlton, Lockhart, Notman and Stewart Township | |
57 | Firstbrooke | Barr Firstbrooke Township, Barr Township | |
58 | Garson | Neelon Garson Township, Neelon Township | |
59 | Gladman | Garrow, Hamell, Osborne, Kenny, Gooderham Township | |
60 | Gowganda | Haultain, Rankine, Van Hise, Knight, Raymond, Morel, Tyrell and Chown Townships | |
61 | Gowganda | Lawson, Nichol, Leonard, North Williams, Ray, Leith, Corley, Donovan, Charters Township also Village of Gowganda | |
62 | Harley | Uno Park Village | |
63 | 351 | Head | Edgar, Baron, Bronson, Guthrie, Master, Strathon Township |
64 | Hilliard | ||
65 | Hudson | Lundy Hudson Township, Lundy Township | |
66 | Hugel | ||
67 | Hunter | McCraney Hunter Township, McCraney Township | |
68 | Hutton | Aylmer, Creelman, Parkin, McKelcan Township | |
69 | Kerns | Henwood Kerns Township, Henwood Township, Thornloe Village, Milberta Village | |
70 | Kirkpatrick | ||
71 | Lauder | Pentland, Wilkes Township | |
72 | Lorrain | ||
73 | Lyell | Murchison, Dickens, Dickson, Preston, Clancey Township | |
74 | Larder Lake | ||
75 | Lebel | Gauthier, McVillie, McGarry Township and North to Northern Boundary of Larder Lake Mining District | |
76 | Macpherson | Loudon Macpherson Township, Loudon Township | |
77 | Martland | ||
78 | Mattawan | Obrig Mattawan Township, Obrig Township | |
79 | McKim | ||
80 | Milner | Gowganda Mining District | |
81 | Clancy | Fitzgerald, Niven, White Township | |
82 | Capreol | Norman Capreol Township, Norman Township, Rathburn, Wisner | |
83 | Papineau | ||
84 | Ingram | Pense Ingram Township, Pense Township, Tomstown Village | |
85 | Phelps | ||
86 | Springer | ||
87 | Temagami Forest Reserve | ||
88 | Widdifield | ||
89 | Widdifield | ||
90 | Unsurveyed territory lying between Transcontinental Railway and | Speights base line | |
91 | 501 | Indian Reserves | French River, Temagami, Nipissing, Dokes |
92 | Bonfield | ||
93 | Cache Bay | ||
94 | Copper Cliff | ||
95 | Copper Cliff | ||
96 | Englehart | ||
97 | Elk Lake | Excepting James Township | |
98 | Haileybury | ||
99 | Haileybury | ||
100 | Latchford | ||
101 | Matheson | Carr Matheson Township, Carr Township | |
102 | Mattawa | Timmins Ward | |
103 | Mattawa | Rosemount Ward, Taggart Ward | |
104 | New Liskeard | ||
105 | New Liskeard | ||
106 | North Bay | ||
107 | North Bay | ||
108 | North Bay | ||
109 | 1755 | North Bay | Completion of North Bay Town |
110 | James | Smyth Town, Elk Lake | |
111 | Sturgeon Falls | ||
112 | Sturgeon Falls | ||
113 | Sudbury | Ryan Ward | |
114 | Sudbury | Fournier Ward | |
115 | Sudbury | McCormarck Ward - Completion of Sudbury Town | |
116 | Bear Creek | Bear Island, Fort Matatchewan | |
117 | Moose Fort |