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1851 Census of New Brunswick
Home / 1851 NB / Westmorland County / Botsford Parish / page 54

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Line FID Surname Givens Sex Relation Age Race Occupation Date of
Sick or
Remarks Links
1 688 Leblong Placid M Son 14 French
2 688 Leblong Julian F Daughter 12 French
3 688 Leblong Basscong M Son 5 French
4 691 Leblong Pollid M Head 27 French Farmer
5 691 Leblong Julian? F Wife 29 French
6 691 Leblong Polly F Daughter 3 French
7 695 Bourke Francis M Head 46 French Farmer
8 695 Bourke Elizabeth F Wife 32 French
9 696 Bourke Maxamine M Head 67 French Farmer
10 696 Bourke Varsonick? F Wife 65 French
11 696 Bourke Marsaline F Daughter 23 French
12 697 Bourke Joseph M Head 46 French Farmer
13 697 Bourke Magdaline F Wife 40 French
14 697 Bourke Ammy M Son 27 French
15 697 Bourke Philip M Son 18 French
16 697 Bourke Greginore? M Son 15 French
17 697 Bourke Chasian M Son 13 French
18 697 Bourke Mary F Daughter 11 French
19 697 Bourke Charlotte F Daughter 8 French
20 697 Bourke Margaret F Daughter 21 French
note exists icon 21 698 Fagan John M Head 54 French Farmer 5**
22 698 Fagan Elizabeth F Wife 37 French 5*
23 698 Fagan Samual M Son 12 French 501*
24 698 Fagan Jhud M Son 10 French 501*
25 698 Fagan Patrick M Son 8 French
26 698 Fagan Philomen F Daughter 6 French
27 698 Fagan Philip M Son 3 French 5*
28 698 Fagan Pellashie F Daughter 21 French Sevant
29 699 Arsenau Samual M Head 31 French Farmer
30 699 Arsenau Mary F Wife 30 French
31 699 Arsenau Patrick M Son 9 French
32 699 Arsenau Thady M Son 7 French
33 699 Arsenau Jacob M Son 5 French
note exists icon 34 699 Arsinau Raimy M Wid 67 French labourer

Alternate surnames have been suggested for the following lines:
Line 21: the enumerator recorded the surname as Fagan, a suggested alternative is Finnegan
This note applies to the whole family.
This comment was added: John Malcom Finnegan son of John William Finnegan and MArie Brun
This alternative name was suggested by: Steve+Fanning
Line 34: the enumerator recorded the surname as Arsinau, a suggested alternative is Arsenault
This note applies to the whole family.
Sources supporting this alternate name are: Remi Arsenault marrie Perpetue Leblanc OCT 18 1806 Grand Digue
This alternative name was suggested by: Steve+Fanning

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