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1851 Census of New Brunswick
Home / 1851 NB / Kings County / Springfield Parish / page 67

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Line FID Surname Givens Sex Relation Age Race Occupation Date of
Sick or
Remarks Links
1 10672 Hatfield David M Head 38 Native Farmer & Propri Birth
2 10672 Hatfield Deborah F Wife 36 Native Birth
3 10672 Hatfield Henry M Son 15 Native Birth
4 10672 Hatfield Abraham M Son 12 Native Birth
5 10672 Hatfield Joseph M Son 10 Native Birth
6 10672 Hatfield Lidia F Daughter 8 Native Birth
7 10672 Hatfield Abslom M Son 6 Native Birth
8 10672 Hatfield Benjamin M Son 4 Native Birth
9 10672 Hatfield David M Son 2 Native Birth
10 10672 Hatfield Deborah F Daughter 1 Native Birth
11 10673 Crandle David M Head 54 Native Bpt. Minister Birth
12 10674 Crandle Elisabeth F Wife 55 Native Birth
13 10674 Crandle David M Son 25 Native Birth
14 10674 Crandle Rebeca F Daughter 22 Native Birth
15 10674 Crandle Martha F Daughter 20 Native Birth
16 10674 Crandle Waren M Son 15 Native Birth
17 10674 Crandle Henry M Son 13 Native Birth
18 10674 Crandle Thomas M Son 10 Native Birth
19 10674 Smyth James M   39 Native Bpt. Minister Birth
20 10675 Spragg Caleb M Head 50 Native Farm & Propri Birth
21 10675 Spragg Waite F Wife 40 Native Birth
22 10675 Spragg Thomas M Son 19 Native Birth
23 10675 Spragg Frances F Daughter 18 Native Birth
24 10675 Spragg Mary F Daughter 15 Native Birth
25 10675 Spragg Jese Amele F Daughter 14 Native Birth
26 10675 Spragg Jemimy F Daughter 12 Native Birth
27 10675 Spragg Margaret F Daughter 10 Native Birth
28 10675 Spragg Ameline F Daughter 8 Native Birth
29 10675 Spragg Elisabeth F Daughter 6 Native Birth
30 10675 Spragg Samuel M Son 4 Native Birth
31 10675 Spragg George M Son 2 Native Birth
32 10676 Burns Jely? Head 42 Irish shoemaker May 1820
33 10676 Burns Sarah F Wife 37 Native Birth
34 10676 Burns William M Son 11 Native Birth
35 10676 Burns Sarah F Daughter 4 Native Birth
36 10676 Burns Judy F Daughter 1 Native Birth

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